Preparing the studio for the Open Doors event with Kunst2100 last weekend forced us to clean up a few places – and in the process we skimmed old files and drawers looking for work to show and sell. Some of the old pieces that came into the open were, however, so special that I just couldn’t bring myself to put them up for sale.
This drawing was one of them – dating back to 1985. At that time I was halfway through design school and probably just as enthusiastic about trying to combine the design skills with the artistic expression as I am today.
I remember doing a series of drawings in a style like this – rectangular shapes, almost resembling a kind of map or floor plan – experimenting with colour crayons, very soft pencils and and lots of “dækhvidt”, a strong white opaque watercolour used for correcting ink drawings (this was pre-computer, no Command Z available, remember?) The effect of the white is even bigger now 28 years later, when the paper itself has turned into a charming yellow shade.
Someday, perhaps, this drawing will be put up for sale. This year it stayed in hiding.