With just one day left of the non-toxic intaglio workshop we feel the pressure of too little time left to finish our experiments and try out all possibilities presented to us by Henrik Bøegh, our patient instructor.
Things are beginning to shape up, however, and each of the eight participants have found techniques that fit their line of work, or ways to get the expression wanted from one or two of the different techniques of intaglio printing.
The photos I have worked with (see below) include motifs from Venice, Kolding and Kassel scanned from old diapositive film, then printed to transparencies before being exposed to the copper plate for printing. Another is a recent double portrait of my daughter Eva Lone with one of the ancient heads in Glyptoteket (see above – Eva’s the one with the nose).
So, tomorrow we’ll walk down for the last time in this charming village, where the middle of the calle is reserved for water and donkeys. A great and inspirational week comes to an end.

See also:
Non-toxic workshop Day 1
Non-toxic workshop Day 3