It’s now time to enter this year’s news design competition, organized by SNDS, Society for News Design Scandinavia. Find out more on or in the brochure with rules and entry forms below. The competition is open for digital and printed content published in 2013. Deadline for submitting your work is January 27, 2014.
Et år med kunst og collager
På tærsklen til 2014 er det naturligvis bedst at kigge fremad. Men først lige et kig tilbage på året der gik – med fokus på den kunst, der fylder så meget i vores tilværelse. Den anden del, der handler om grafisk design, fylder næsten lige så meget, men dén gemmer vi til en anden gang. Her er 12 glimt fra 2013:
JANUAR: Året begyndte i en iskold Kulturkajen Docken, hvor Lisbeth og jeg udstillede sammen med Kunst2100. Tre sektioner af de let ramponerede, flytbare vægge indrettede vi med en forholdsvis stringent ophængning af malerier, collager og tekstile objekter. På scenen havde jeg lejlighed til at fortælle om udgivelsen af min bog Pages of a Non-Existent Diary – og solgte måske et par ekstra eksemplarer på dén konto.
På gensyn til næste år!
Så er det ved at være slut med 2013 – vi ønsker jer en rigtig god jul, et godt nyt år – tak for alt i det gamle og på gensyn i 2014! I anledning af årsskiftet har vi hver tegnet (og Lisbeth selvfølgelig hæklet) en fjerdedel af det nye år.
Kærlige hilsner fra
Eva Lone, Nina Maja, Lisbeth og Lars | | |
New page on DESIGN
Just updated the site with a new page – with examples of my graphic design work. Absolutely in no way a complete overview, only a glimpse into the things I have made through the years, and will continue to love to work with. Among them these examples of logos for museums, exhibitions, award shows, conferences, and companies. Feel free to contact me if you want more info or explanations to what the illustrations show.
SNDS Magazine 4|2013
Our editors’ column in SNDS Magazine 4, 2013.
“I would feel unarmed attacking a day of creative thinking if I hadn’t read The New York Times early that morning.” – George Lois, 2012*
Advertising guru George Lois (born 1931, inventor of Big Idea advertising) may belong to a different time than the new breed of media workers, who grew up with twitter, blogs, and Facebook. But he sure has made his mark in the graphic design world, creating great art direction for Esquire Magazine, MTV, and Tommy Hilfiger to name a few.
In his small book, Damn Good Advice (for people with talent) he gives some of his experience back to the next generation of creatives – in the form of short, in-your-face advice on how to be creative. His book includes the statement above – followed by this comment: