Hjem » Colorida Art Gallery, Lissabon, 18.–31. marts 2017

Colorida Art Gallery, Lissabon, 18.–31. marts 2017

„The most important in the work of artist Lars Pryds is not realism, much less a logical sequence of reading. Each work is organically composed of random variations of the same formal family. The artist’s questioning capacity allows him to develop a continuous work of exploration. They are works open to new technical and visual investigations that result in compositions without completed stages, without exhaustive themes. We can define his work as a sort of collage that not only reflects but also changes the meaning. Lars Pryds lives and works in Denmark.‟

– José Roberto Moreira, Colorida Art Gallery’s kurator og indehaver.


Colorida Art Gallery, Lissabon, Portugal
Fernisering lørdag 18. marts kl 19.00
Udstillingen er åben til og med 31. marts, 2017.
Colorida Art Gallery

Costa do Castelo, 63, Lisboa
Phone 218853347
Transport: Electrico 12/28, Bus 737
Åben tirsdag–lørdag kl. 14:30–18.00

Ca. 25 trappetrin er der ned til Colorida Art Gallery fra Costa do Castello – vejen, der smyger sig rundt om byens middelalderborg.


Hvælvinger og buede åbninger indrammer de syv Lars Pryds-malerier i Colorida Art Gallery.


„Det Svenske E‟ på bagvæggen, og tre malerier i formatet 50 x 50 cm på den ene sidevæg …


… og tre mere på den modstående væg.


„Det Svenske E‟ er kommet til Portugal!


Colorida Art Gallery ligger på et af de højeste steder i Lissabon, med udsigt over byen. Fotos: Lars Pryds


Læs galleriets Lars Pryds-katalog som pdf: larspryds_colorida

Galleriet præsenterer sig selv således :

„Colorida Art Gallery is located in Lisbon, Portugal, and has been „living and breathing art‟ for over 9 years. The gallery organizes exhibitions of contemporary art in a building more than a century old. The neighborhood where we are located is known as Mouraria, one of the most popular neighborhoods in Lisbon. It was at this neighborhood that „Fado‟ was born and many famous Fado singers were also born in Mouraria. The gallery exhibits artworks literally, from around the world and painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, watercolor, are displayed at Colorida’s magnificent space with good care and people are most welcome to spend some time in its wonderful and cheerful atmosphere. Some of the artists which artworks are displayed at Colorida are Carlos Alexandre, Rosemary Esteter, Rocha Maia, Joao Lamares, Renate Hartfiel, Ricardo Junqueira and Andrea Ebert.‟

Colorida Art Gallery