Hjem » Fifty/Fifty, 2012–13 » Pages of a Non-Existent Diary (English)

Pages of a Non-Existent Diary (English)

Pages of a Non-Existent Diary„Lars Pryds has been able to give the collage form his own special mark. His visual world is rich and diverse. It shows a broad spectrum of painterly angles – just as a peacock spreads its tail feathers in a fan of bright colours and spectacular patterns – and always with a nod towards regions of the real world.‟

Annemette Fogh, i „Pages …‟

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This is a book I have wanted for a long long time. Originally – hence the title – it was meant to be the diary I never kept. I have wanted so much to keep one, but it never really worked. I used to carry a sketchbook in my pocket, or odd pieces of paper to take notes on, or, more recently, my Moleskine calendar note book. But, a regular diary never materialized – not even when the paper versions were replaced by a digital camera, blogs and tweets.

But here it is – the book. A journey in words and images back in time – not at all a complete overview of my 30 years‛ of work, but a selection I’m really proud of showing.  With fine essays by Lise Seisbøll and Annemette Fogh, who both have dug into my visual world and found points and connections which I had not even imagined – they have set words to some of the things I could only feel and not articulate.

Lisbeth, with whom I have shared literally everything – not least a great passion for art – since we met in 1984, has written small texts about our way of exploring the world together, as well as about the icons and idols she has watched me fight through the years – from Marilyn Monroe and Hedy Lamarr to Andy Warhol and Antoni Tápies. With endless enthusiasm she has also edited the book to make it coherent in a way I could only have dreamt about. Thank you for that.

Finally, we re-publish a poetic little essay about the concept of Catharsis – written by our wise and beloved cousin Anne, who died way too soon at the age of 27 in 1992. For a few special series of paintings I have written words about the process of making them, or the ideas that led to their creation.

In 2001 Astrid Meinild wrote (in the book Kunstner & Menneske, which Lisbeth initiated and I designed for Århus Kunstforening) that I strive to ‚leave my mark‛ – both on the canvases and in the world as such. I still think that is a very precise description of my ambitions as an artist, designer, and a human being. I may not build monuments, but I would love to leave a mark here and there. I hope this book will be one of those marks.

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Example spreads from the book:

„Pages of a Non-Existent Diary – maleri og collage af Lars Pryds‟
First published 9 August 2012.

160 pages, ca. 145 illustrations (139 in colour).
Text in English and Danish.
Words by Lise Seisbøll, Annemette Fogh, Anne Tolstrup, Lisbeth Tolstrup and Lars Pryds.
Editor: Lisbeth Tolstrup.
Design by Lars Pryds.
Forlaget på tredje.

See also:
Exhibition, Galleri Lisse Bruun, Copenhagen, 9 August – 1 September 2012
Exhibition, Kunstcentret Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, 15 September – 2 December 2012
Exhibition, Kunstbygningen Filosoffen, Odense, 29 January – 10 February 2013

Download press photos: pryds.com/press
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