DESIGN: Lars Pryds vinder sølvmedalje i konkurrencen "Årets Avisside", for en forsideillustration tegnet til Jyllands-Posten.
Editor’s column from SNDS Magazine 1, 2016 There’s a starman waiting in the sky He’s told us not to blow it Cause he knows it’s all worthwhile – David Bowie: “Starman” (1972) In the first week of March, I had the pleasure once again of spending days in Legoland, attending the judging of entries in …
It’s now time to enter this year’s news design competition, organized by SNDS, Society for News Design Scandinavia. Find out more on www.snds.org or in the brochure with rules and entry forms below. The competition is open for digital and printed content published in 2013. Deadline for submitting your work is January 27, 2014.
Et opslag i tidsskriftet Håndarbejde Nu er nomineret i årets danske magasindesign-konkurrence, MDID No 03, der arrangeres af Foreningen for Magasindesignere i Danmark.
I’m in Billund, at Hotel Legoland, where the jury for the “Best of Scandinavian News Design 2013” competition is meeting to find this years winners. 763 entries in the print categories and 65 in online will be judged by the hard working jury.