For nylig udgav Forlaget Grafisk Litteratur Fortæl med tegninger af Maj Ribergård – en bog med gode råd, praktiske idéudviklings- og teknikforslag og masser af inspiration til at arbejde professionelt med illustration. Jeg anmeldte bogen til
Editorial from SNDS Magazine no. 4, 2014 We believe there is nothing social about online social networks, so get out from behind your screen and get to a live event, with real people, real communication, real beer, and real creative fun.” – www.pechakucha.org Visuals can be many things. In the previous issue of SNDS Magazine, …
I like living, breathing better than working … my art is that of living. Each second, each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral, it’s a sort of constant euphoria. – Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) When the French artist Marcel Duchamp exhibited a mass-produced urinal in 1917, he shocked …
Five years ago, at the SNDS Copenhagen Crash seminar, the Norwegian newspaper VG‘s editor-in-chief Torry Pedersen told the audience that at VG they didn’t really care much about design, with a cacophony of different typefaces in the paper as a result. This is, of course, in itself a design statement – as design is about …