Making people pay for news on the web and other digital platforms has been doomed impossible by media researchers, but that does not keep anyone from trying. By Lars Pryds / From SNDS Magazine 4, 2012. It certainly looks like a new trend for Scandinavian media houses: setting up paywalls on their websites and preparing …
Tag: Magazine
Berlingske wins European design awards
The winners in the 14th “European Newspaper Award” have been announced. 232 newspapers, six more than last year, from 25 countries took part in the competition. The European Newspaper of the Year winners are, in the four categories: Local newspaper: Bygdanytt, Norway; Regional newspaper: El Correo, Spain; National newspaper (two winners this year): De Tijd, Belgium and …
SNDS Magazine 3, 2012
SNDS Magazine no. 3, 2012, has been published. Read all about the program for the SPACE_2012 seminar and workshop, and a lot of other great stuff!
SNDS Magazine 2, 2012
Yet another issue of SNDS Magazine has landed in the mailboxes of SNDS members and loyal subscribers. We’re lucky to have no less than the World’s best portrait on the cover this time – Lærke Posselt’s winning entry in this year’s World Press Photo competition. The occasion? Lærke is one of the speakers at this …
Fra BNY til BBM – derfor ser det ud som det gør

I dag udkommer Berlingske Business Magasin (BBM) nr. 2. Det gode gamle Berlingske Nyhedsmagasin (BNY) har fået nyt navn, og med relanceringen har vi givet magasinet en ansigtsløftning. Vi har også justeret på det indholdsmæssige koncept, hvilket redaktør Claus Skovhus beskrev i det første magasins leder. Læs den her: Herunder følger til gengæld nogle …