“You’re my best friend you shared my crazy ways, Now we don’t want to miss out on the best part of the day” – Elton John & Leon Russel (1) Editorial, SNDS Magazine no. 4, 2016 Read the full magazine below – or download as PDF Are you ready for a big one? This …
Tag: SND
My San Francisco lightning talk

. Next week, I’ll be in San Francisco, with Nina Maja, checking out the great city – wearing flowers in our hair (maybe). But first, for three days, we’ll attend SNDSF – the annual workshop in Society for News Design – with more than 50 speakers from organizations like Facebook, New York Times, BuzzFeed, Fusion, …
“Passion wears many hats”
SNDS Magazine no. 4 has hit the streets
There’s a lot of great stuff in this year’s last SNDS Magazine, which has just been published on the snds.org website and is on its way (in hard copy) to members and subscribers. We have great photos from SNDS and SND workshops in Copenhagen, Denmark, and in Cleveland, Ohio. We also look at paid for …